Dog training includes the use of tools. Below are some descriptions of the tools I use which are shown in the picture.
Prong Collar: The prong collar is used as it mimics the feeling of a correction from their mother while in the litter. As this can look very barbaric and scary, it is not at all. It helps prevent a dog having active pressure on their throat at all times and choking during the whole walk. It is a lot of different points of communication around their whole neck; not just one place. Once the dog is where they need to be, that pressure is released.
E-collar: The E-collar is an electronic, NOT electric stimulation that also mimics a similar feeling they would get from a correction from their mother. The E-Collar Technologies e-collar I use has 100 levels. This enables me to do low level obedience work with the dog. This tool is something I truly like to use because it is another way to communicate with your dog. Your dog doesn’t speak english and this low level feeling in their neck helps “talk” to them and you don’t even have to be on the other end of the leash. It is like a virtual leash. And seeing your dog when they truly get this communication; hey this person isn’t even right next to me, but yet is communicating to me, this is a wonderful thing.
Bark Collar: Bark collar is used for dogs exhibiting a lot of barking behavior in the kennel, outside or anywhere. This is a slight static sensation on their throat when that behavior starts. I use this because first; I can’t always be there to quite the barking and second a lot of times voices will get elevated and to dogs this is just like barking along with them.
Dominant Dog Collar: This is the short blue nylon collar located in the picture. I use this tool with dogs who come in with aggression issues. Again it is all about the safety of all involved and this gives me more control over a dog that may make a wrong choice and go after another dog or myself.
Drag Line: The short purple nylon piece with clasp is a drag line. I use this once we have progressed through the leash work, but there still may need to be some extra help from me. Its a nuisance to have the long leash dragging, so this is nice to be able to grab and apply pressure/guidance when needed without distracting the dog too much.
Slip Lead: I use the slip lead for a few different things, but first and foremost I use this to introduce the pressure and release methods I use in my training. Most of the dogs that come to me have just had a flat collar on or a harness so are not familiar with the pressure/release. They are use to constant pressure and choking. I also use the slip for introduction to the treadmill as this can be scary and I don’t want to apply to much pressure during the introduction.
Leash: Leash is a familiar tool to most. I use about a 6’ leash for our structured walks and introduction to prong. I like the 6’ length as its not too long where you have to wrap around your hand while on a walk.
Long Line: This is used for distance training. After the initial training has been implemented I add space to myself and the dog, but yet I still need to know that I can get the dog back if need be. There are many different training drills I use with the long line and I have varying lengths.
Muzzle: Muzzle is used for many different reasons and occasions, but main focus is safety. Safety for the trainer, the dog and any other dogs or people around. When introducing a dog aggressive dog to other dogs, a muzzle will be used in the first meetings. Again, this is for the safety of everyone. I will be at other end of leash helping the dog learn how to properly interact with other dogs. Same applies for human aggressive dogs. I also use the muzzle when I do nail trims. This can cause panic and fear in dogs, so again for safety, I apply the muzzle during such situations.
The “human hand”: The fake hand is another tool used for safety and to help condition dogs to not react when a hand may come in front of them while eating or help dogs who have been known to go after hands when near something they are guarding like food or a toy.
Pet Corrector: This is similar to a bike tire pump. You apply pressure to the button and it emits air. The reason for this is to “jar” a dog back into focus, distract or scare an unwanted dog that may be trying to approach you. It is a harmless way to get them back on track.(This is not sprayed at them).
Food: I use the dogs meals in my training. This is a great motivator for most dogs and enables me to get them excited to work without putting on any extra lbs. and there is nothing more motivated than a hungry dog.
Training pouch: This is used to hold their kibble and other tools such as a pet corrector, e-collar remote, etc.
Camera: This is a wi-fi camera that lets me keep an eye on the dogs while I am gone or upstairs. It aids me in correcting barking or whining behavior while in the kennel. It also gives me reassurance while I’m gone that the dogs are okay.
Phone: I use my phone to be able to make training videos for the client and to share with all my clients. It is also a great tool for sound effects during my training sessions for dogs who may have problems with loud noises and/or to condition a dog to be okay with the loud noises; i.e. fireworks.
Myself, Ruby and Cara: I am the trainer at Dog On It and Ruby and Cara is my right hand woman.